Television and Radio

Voters won’t change the channel when your television ads are unique, powerful and targeted.

The television is the most powerful way for a candidate to communicate with voters. It is a mass communication medium that will undoubtedly be the backbone of any large scale campaign. However, most political television commercials on the air today follow a generic formula which results in a forgettable ad that does not engage the viewer.

It is crucial that a candidate’s television commercial connect with the viewer in the first few seconds before they change the channel. KC Strategies’ creative team produces the finest political media in the state of Texas today. We ensure that our clients get maximum “bang for their buck” by working with them to develop a clear, concise message. Most importantly, we focus on ad placement to target the demographic(s) that our clients are trying to reach.

Right2Farm Texas PAC Radio

  • Right 2 Farm Texas

State Representative Drew Darby Radio

  • State Representative Drew Darby Radio

State Representative Gary VanDeaver Radio

  • State Representative Gary VanDeaver Radio

State Representative Kyle Kacal Radio

  • State Representative Kyle Kacal Radio Ad

Direct Mail

With our creative approach, your direct mail will jump out of the mailbox at voters.

Direct mail is the most effective way for a candidate, officeholder or organization to reach a targeted audience with their message. KC Strategies provides one-stop direct mail services for our clients from developing the message, to writing copy, designing, printing, and finally mailing.

Our creative approach is second to none, and we work to find the edge that will set our clients apart from the competition.

KC Strategies saves our clients time and money by streamlining the process and eliminating unneeded vendors and additional costs. We offer our clients many services for their direct mail programs including: Voter Targeting, List Acquisition / Management, Custom Graphic Design, Custom Photography, Complete On-line Proofing (PDF’s), Copywriting, Production Tracking and “Red-tagging” for priority delivery.

Connected TV, Online Advertising
and Social Media

Cutting edge technology allows you to target your voters online.

Until recently, online ads could only be targeted by zip code or geographic region which made them inefficient for targeting likely voters or specific demographics. That is a thing of the past. KC Strategies now offers addressable online advertising, so that our clients can target a specific audience, such as strong Republican voters or swing voters, with online video, display ads and social media across all platforms.

Online advertising now functions in the same manner as a piece of direct mail, a telephone call or a knock on the door. It’s a cost-effective targeted point of contact that should be a part of any political communication plan, from the smallest campaign to the largest.

Connected TV, Online Advertising and Social Media

Cutting edge technology allows you to target your voters online.

Until recently, online ads could only be targeted by zip code or geographic region which made them inefficient for targeting likely voters or specific demographics. That is a thing of the past. KC Strategies now offers addressable online advertising, so that our clients can target a specific audience, such as strong Republican voters or swing voters, with online video, display ads and social media across all platforms.

Online advertising now functions in the same manner as a piece of direct mail, a telephone call or a knock on the door. It’s a cost-effective targeted point of contact that should be a part of any political communication plan, from the smallest campaign to the largest.

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  • right2farm-social-image-01
  • Darby-Drew-2024-OnlineAd-NameID-Web-500x500

Strategic Consulting

Winning consulting sets you apart from the competition.

At KC Strategies, we work with our clients to craft and implement a campaign communication plan based upon the client’s passion for the issues coupled with high-quality research that examines voting trends. The plan utilizes all of our client’s political assets and focuses their message in order to persuade and mobilize prospective voters.

We keep our clients “on message” throughout the campaign and we keep a close eye on every aspect of the campaign in order to ensure they are communicating effectively with their constituents. This is done by carefully integrating direct mail, television and radio advertising, telemarketing, online advertising and grassroots activities such as block walking. Each medium will complement the others to form a comprehensive communication vehicle.

Polling and Research

A winning campaign requires communicating the right message to the right people.

Expert polling is the most dependable way to put your campaign on the right track. Public opinion polling offers you a valuable window into the minds of voters. By knowing exactly what your electorate cares about, you are able to put your best foot forward with a candidacy and message that resonates with voters.

But not all polls are created equal. Most are conducted by market research firms that do not specialize in politics or public affairs. KC Strategies offers what they do not: a polling product that is crafted, from beginning to end, by political professionals who understand the specific information that you need in order to create a winning campaign.

Mobile Canvassing and VoIP Phone Banking

Affordable technology that brings your grassroots effort into the 21st century.

A strong grassroots campaign is a key component to every successful candidacy, but until recently most of the time dedicated to it was spent planning and organizing instead of talking to people and winning votes. Paper walk lists, backtracking, getting lost and hours of data entry into excel spreadsheets are now a thing of the past.

KC Strategies offers our clients mobile canvassing and VoIP phone banking technology that allows them to reach voters efficiently, and collect actionable data that can be used later to get out the vote.

By using any smart phone or tablet, the candidate, volunteers or campaign staff can access interactive map-based walk lists that have been assigned to them, see relevant information about the voters on the lists, conduct a customized survey at the voter’s door or call and leave a message for a voter if they are not at home. All of the information that is gathered is then automatically merged into the campaign’s master voter file that is stored on a secure central server.

To reach voters in more remote areas, to target a specific demographic or for a last minute get out the vote effort, a VoIP phone banking feature is integrated into the program as well. This allows volunteers or staff to call from any location with a computer and an internet connection using the campaign’s Caller ID number. After speaking with a voter, all of the information collected is also merged into the master voter file.

Time is the most precious resource for any campaign. This new technology helps our clients create and execute a grassroots effort that used to take days in a matter of minutes.